Cut Out All White Carbs: Pasta, Potatoes, Rice, Bread.which I Find Rather Difficult To Do, Any Suggestions
dont! seriously its portion size of anything that is most important-at least it is for me.Experiment with SMALL portion see what happens to bs.If a really tiny portion spikes it then dont eat whatever caused the spike. You may find a level which means you eat what you enjoy and do not mess up your glucose
I did give up the high carb pasta, breads, rice and potatoes, for me I use spiralized zucchini or palmini noodles which I like. I use cauliflower rice for rice in casseroles, soups and such, I will eat a very small sweet potato occasionally and I mean small no more than 15 g carbs. I do eat an occasional bowl of oatmeal with lakanto brown and butter. I eat healthy life low carb bread or a whole grain low carb bread I found at our local grocery. I use smart baking buns, cakes and muffins which are delicious. I do bake with almond flour, coconut flour and I like carb quik baking mix. I really try to follow a modified keto diet.
@A DiabetesTeam Member I sought out more healthier substitutes for the high-carb food I loved. I make mashed cauliflower, instead of mashed potatoes. I am learning to cook quinoa and lentils, instead of rice. For pasta noodles, I now eat sliced or spiralized zucchini. All taste great to me with seasoning and garnishes. I am able to buy some wheat pita breads and lavash breads that are low carb where I live. Good luck-"where there is a will-there is a way". Also, some determined people bake using almond flour, coconut flour or other low-carb flours.
When You Say You Are Counting Carbs, Is That Only Starches Like Flour Products , Or Do You Include Vegetables As Well?
Why Is Quinoa Touted As Such A Healthy Food?