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Steel Cut Oats And Blood Sugar

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Detroit, MI

Steel cut Oatmeal and cinnamon is supposed to be good for you. After trying to eat 3/4 cup (burp) I took my medications and did aerobic routine. Drank 16 ounces of water (double burp 🤢) 90 minutes later my blood sugar was around 40 points higher than my usual breakfast. Did I eat too much or is any amount bad for you?

October 23, 2023
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
I limit my carbs much more than most. Most should be able to handle 1/3 to 1/2 cup steel cut oats. If you don't use milk. Milk is 1 carb per ounce. But if you make it at night, refrigerate it, and reheat it in the morning, you may be in for a good surprise.

That prepare, refrigerate, reheat cycle with carbs, must change them chemically, so they digest slower. Then there is a lower post meal glucose spike.

Another thing you can do to lower the post meal glucose spike for most people is:
Walk 10-15 minutes immediately after eating each meal. This will slow digestion and lower the post meal glucose spike.

Good luck.
Baby steps.

October 23, 2023 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

We have to be careful with simple answers

Yes, steel cut oats and cinnamon is "safer for a diabetic to eat" then rolled oats or whatever

BUT they still have a truckload of carbs in them that will jack your blood sugar

In "similar amounts" the steel cut will do less to your blood sugar

BUT once again, eating more steel cut then your system can metabolize will still jack your sugar levels

It is always about figuring/testing to determine "how much" we can eat and stay in range.

The same applies with whole grain bread compared to white bread (and dozens of other foods) - way better nutritionally, less effect, but three slices of Brown Bread would still leave most of us with astronomical blood sugar readings

We need to pick the "safer foods" but still only eat them in small enough portions - that's the trick

October 23, 2023

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