Is 7.0 A Good A1c Level
It is the bare minimum A1C that is considered controlled
What an A1C of 7.0% will do for you is "delay but not prevent" diabetic complications for about 10 years but you will still likely develop vascular disease, retinopathy, neuropathy, dementia and kidney deterioration "to some degree" depending on your age and duration of disease
An A1C of 6.5% will mostly take the kidney disease, dementia and blindness off the table but still likely to develop neuropathy and have about a 80% chance to ultimately succumbing to a vascular disorder with congestive heart failure being most common
An A1C of Sub-6.0% takes all the diabetic complication "risks" off the table and gives you the best chance of seeing life expectancy with continued good function and quality of life
Most Doctors tend to be "happy" with a 7.0% because almost 70% of diabetics are over that at any given time
Only you can decide how hard you want to work, how willing you are to medicate and make the lifestyle changes you would need to make but you should at least "know" the likely outcomes for different A1C targets and the medical community falls pretty short of impressing that on patients - they don't want to upset or depress people by telling them that "bad stuff will still happen 100% of the time" if you don't get really serious about control
I Am Having Problems Regulating My Blood Sugars During The Day. But When I Wake Up I Have Low Blood Sugars. ( I Do Not Have An Appetite)
What Do I Do When Level Is 14.first Thing This Morning It Was Mid Day 14. What Should I Do To Eat Or Drink To Get Down.thx
Q: What Is YOUR BG (Blood Glucose) “window” (range) That Determines If You Think Your Number Is Good, Average, Or Bad?