How Do I Get A Automatic Blood Sugar Reader In South Africa On My Medical Aid. I Am On Discovery Coastal Saver.
Awesome, thank you so much! That is great advice! Let me have a look. 😃
I'd be really surprised if Discovery won't give you a meter on Coastal Saver for Type 2! Don't give up - phone them or try through your doctor. If all else fails try this web site: Accuchek have an offer of a free meter (you'l have to pay for the strips and I think they cost a bit) but this may only apply to the US and not South Africa.
I did not know that. Thank you
If you Type 2 diabetes Discovery will not cover CGMs, you need to be Type 1.
Log in to Discovery, go to Medical Aid and then click on Benefits and Cover. This should tell you what you can get on a Coastal Plan. I presume you will have provision as diabetes is a PMB. You will need a doctor contracted to Discovery and on the Diabetes Program, so to find one near you if you scroll down on the main screen, you will see that you can search for a medical provider. Type in "diabetes care" and your address. Hope that works for you. I'm on Classic Comp and my doctor was always on the list so she provided my glucose tester.
Why Does It Seem Like,In South Africa Many Medicals Need To Learn More About Diabetes Standards And Treatments.
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