Is My Blood Sugar Really In Control When One Day It Is 110 And The Next Day It's 81?
I realize both are good numbers but it appears I am not in control. I believe I'm controlling my carbs but maybe not closely enough. Recommendations?
@A DiabetesTeam Member hello I am on a Diabetes Care plan with my doctor and I have 6monthly blood tests and they showed that my Diabetes Type2 was in remission and I don’t need to take the Metformin diabetes MEDICATION daily
Hugs from Judyxx Australia
Both numbers are great
Since I have been wearing the Libre system for somewhat over a year now I don't even check "numbers" at all anymore
For me it's all about Time In Range (TIR)
I set my range at 4.0 to 8.0 (72 to 144) and try to (control) so that I'm "in range" 90% of the time
If I can achieve that then I am "unlikely" to ever develop "diabetic complications" and that's really why we should be testing. To manage and keep the beast at bay
So if the number is good, call it good
A "controlled number" will only be seen if you have control - there is no rule against "bouncing around a bit" and as others have noted, there are dozens of things other than what we eat that can effect our blood sugar levels
Thank you Graham for the great information. I'm guilty of constantly wanting to check my numbers and when the numbers are good but not what i want i really stress about it i know that doesn't help with my numbers at all. I love the information i get on here it has helped me so much! Thank you all for sharing your stories! Hugs to you all 🤗
Thank you. That makes sense to me if I can only get rid of the ball and chain made of daily numbers from around my leg!
My Morning Fasting Blood Sugar Is Usually 110-120. Is This Normal To Have Elevated Morning Blood Sugar And Why?
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