I Am Not Managing To Get My Sugar Down. I Did Well For 2 Years And Have Not Changed Anything To My Diet? Any Advice?
I have diabetes type 2 for the past 3 years. I am 62 and not very active. Not overweight although it seems that with my medications I put on 5 kg and not managing to lose it which is a real stress. Looking forward to your replies😊
Your Diabetes has likely "progressed"
That happens and NO there is nothing we can do about it, no way to predict if/when it will happen
Unfortunately unless you try to go very drastic with your diet/exercise program (which almost never works - sometimes we just can't do enough and we can really cause some damage playing around) it is time increase or start medications
So if your higher sugar (trends) are persistent for longer than about 3 months, talk to your doctor
Control, at all cost, is what matters - you are still young enough that you want to protect against complications for the next couple of decades
Better to be functional and pain free "on meds" - a lesson my Father didn't realize until it was too late
He was Diabetic for 29 years but the last dozen was just miserable with severely limited function. When it was time for meds and then time for insulin he still thought he could do it himself - didn't turn out well - advanced kidney disease, dementia, close to amputation level neuropathy and died of congestive heart failure
Follow his diet and exercise program to the letter - never fell off the wagon but just to stubborn to admit he needed "pharmaceutical" help
I won't make the same mistake - if you are "out of control", even a little and you can't immediately correct it easily, I'm asking my Doc to get out Her prescription pad - fix it and then if I want to play around I can
You can always go Off the meds later, you can't fix the damage once it's done...
Managing blood sugar can be challenging, even if you haven't changed your diet. Here are some tips based on the knowledge base:
1. Monitor Blood Glucose: Ensure you are regularly monitoring your blood glucose levels as advised by your healthcare provider. This can help identify any patterns or unexpected changes.
I'm having a similar problem and the only change I made was canceling my gym membership. I stopped walking and just got lazy. It has made an bug difference in my readings. Just taking small walks has shown a difference and improvement in my readings for the last 2 weeks. It's still difficult to do it everyday but I know I need to do it.
thank you this is very nice advice. I do have very painful neuropathy that is how I found out I had diabetes. Doctors came up with a bunch of things that did not make sense. I then tested myself and my level of sugar was high. i normally only eat one meal daily as I am not hungry until late afternoon. but I do not eat large meals. I also limit my sugar-free drinks to 2 a week. So I guess walking the dogs is next on my list😂
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