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How Can I Take Metformin Xr Without Upset Stomach And Diarrhea? Any Possible Ideas?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
St Joseph, MO
February 3
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
Try always with a meal. For most people the gastric distress eases after 2-3 weeks. XR extended release is the easiest on the gut.

If it has been more than a month, talk about your options with your doctor.

Good luck. Praying.

February 3
A DiabetesTeam Member

To minimize the risk of upset stomach and diarrhea when taking Metformin XR, consider the following tips:

- Take with Food: Metformin XR is generally taken once daily with the last meal of the day. This can help reduce gastrointestinal side effects
- Start with a Low Dose: If possible, start with a lower dose and Show Full Answer

To minimize the risk of upset stomach and diarrhea when taking Metformin XR, consider the following tips:

- Take with Food: Metformin XR is generally taken once daily with the last meal of the day. This can help reduce gastrointestinal side effects.
- Start with a Low Dose: If possible, start with a lower dose and gradually increase it as directed by your healthcare provider.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
- Consistent Timing: Take your medication at the same time each day to maintain steady levels in your body.

Always consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to how you take your medication.

August 1

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