If One Takes Magnesium Supplements, How Much Should One Take (in Mgs)
I take between 200mg and 600mg depending on my needs. I get terrible leg cramps if I don't take magnesium.
When should you take Magnesium in the. Morning or night
Take 5g of magnesuim powder every night, is this enough (with yogurt) Thanks Era
200 mg is 48% of your daily needs as an adult, so use that as a guide. I am not sure what the needs are for your daughter's age. Magnesium is so important for all ages!
Am giving my daughter 150 mg daily, is this enough??
I Have Been Reading About How Important Magnesium Is To Diabetics. Does Anyone Know How To Determine The Amount Of Magnesium Is Needed?
Neuropathy And Supplements
How Do You Bring Down High BS? Not On Insulin... 2 Hrs.after Breakfast Today 304! 1/2 C.oatmeal W/ Cinnamin Don't Know How To Bring It Down?