Has Anyone Tried Pioglitazone Or Brenzavvy To Manage Diabetes? Any Luck With It?
Thank you
Brenzavvy belongs to a relatively new class of drugs - work super well
The main side effect is that it causes yeast infections in about 20% of the people that take it
It's because of the way it works - it causes the kidney's to suck sugar and salt out of the blood (at higher rates than normal) and you pass in urine which means "food" for potential infections
But if you tolerate fine, it would be a great drug to take and I wouldn't consider the pioglitazone if this was the other option.
I personally know a few people taking this drug class and it's working well for all of them. It's worth a try
It, sold under the brand name Actos is an old drug class called TZD's
When they came on the market a couple decades back they were going to "fix diabetes"
The drug was really good at improving insulin resistance but there was also some really wicked side effects in some of the drugs including a number of deaths. In the US and Europe all of the drugs in this class were pulled from the market
They are still banned in the EU. In the US only Actos was allowed to come back on the market. In Canada where I live there is guidance to doctors "not to prescribe" but it is available for anyone that has been taking it for years now
Personally I wouldn't take this drug. It's only real benefit is that it is cheap compared to most of the newer drugs. But for me if cost was an issue I would be looking at Sulfonylurea's - potentially deadly as well if you overdose, but cheap
I don't care if this drug has helped anyone, I wouldn't take it personally but you have to decide for yourself and if your doctor suggested it then maybe a "why" that they can answer
Thank you for responding but was the answer for both meds ir just pioglitizone? Any info on the other one called brenzavvy ?
Since Pioglitizone Is Not A Good Choice What Other Options Are Out There? I Would Very Much Appreciate Ideas Please. No On Metformin. Thank
Has Any One Tried Brenzavvy Medicine For Diabetes?
Do Yall Get 'crazy' Blood Sugars Wen You Get Super Emotional