Does Anyone Have Both Type 2 Diabetes And High Blood Pressure? If So, What Kinds Of Food Do You Have To Be Careful Of To Keep Both Down?
If you have both then you actually have Metabolic Syndrome (and most of us did when diagnosed)
Metabolic Syndrome is a "cluster" of disorders including:
Type 2 Diabetes
High Cholesterol
High Triglycerides
High Blood Pressure
Overweight or Obese
Any TWO of them is beyond common and called Metabolic Syndrome - most of us simply identify as Diabetics, but very few "only have" diabetes
Losing weight and reducing Salt intake is the best "natural treatment" for High Blood Pressure, but medication is common
The DASH Diet is designed to reduce blood pressure but the issue is a "higher carb" diet is better to treat BP while low carb is necessary to stop diabetes from killing you - so at odds if you try and do "both" with diet which is why weight control is the "best diet" for anyone with metabolic syndrome, including Diabetes
I am a type 1 with high blood pressure. I work my hardest to limit my salt intake. I no longer eat pork and beef and of course more vegetables, fruits and water.
That seems like a lot of meds for Diabetes. I would think when one is on insulin, that it would replace Metformin and Jardiance. Some doctors like to overmedicate their patients. That's not good as taking a multitude of meds could backfire; one could have a side effect from one of the meds they take.
Hello How Do You Handle Meals If You're A Type 2 Diabetic And Have High Blood Pressure?
Does Anyone That Has Diabetes Type 2 Also Hae High Blood Pressure?
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