How Can Glucose Be 159 Before Bed But Be 195 The Next Morning? A Lot Of Water And No Food After The 159.
Because the Blood Sugar you wake up with has near ZERO to do with what you ate yesterday or last night
Blood Sugar comes from Two sources - the carbs in the food we stuff in our mouth (dietary sugars) and sugar stored/released by our Liver (hepatic sugars)
We need sugar 24 hours a day so our body can't rely simply on what we eat/when we eat it
So when we are "not eating/digesting food" our liver handles the sugar needs for out body (brain, organs, muscles, cells etc)
When you eat all the sugar in the (food) gets into your blood stream within about 3 hours
Note left over blood sugar either stays floating around giving us a High Reading AND/OR it is turned into BODY FAT - eating too many CARBS makes US FAT, not eating too much fat contrary to the poor messages we get through the media
After digestion is complete if your body needs more sugar various hormones tell the liver to release some
It releases sugar while you are sleeping - anything you ate yesterday is long burned up before you wake up (save a few exceptions in people that make zero/near zero insulin themselves)
Then a couple hours before you naturally wake up your body starts to "wake up" - respiration increases, heart speeds up, consciousness starts to come and all that takes "fuel" in the form of "needed blood sugar"
So the Liver opens the sugar taps
If it gets a little out of hand your blood sugar is high in the morning - this is called the Dawn Effect or Dawn Phenomena - well know, fully understood process
Because we are diabetic and don't process the sugar properly, it can end up quite high and it has ZERO to do with what you ate/drank last night - this is sugar synthesized by your own body and stored for future use
If you consistently have high morning sugars then you get prescribed Metformin
Metformin's "only job" is to regulate how much sugar the liver releases - it tries to "tame it down" - so don't expect metformin to help with mealtime numbers
If the metformin isn't enough (maxed out) and you still have a fasting issue then you add a long acting Basil Insulin to "deal with the sugar" - that's the only other effective medication
Other diabetes drugs are designed to work against the sugar you "eat", not self produce
To "naturally" lower your morning numbers it's all about trying to "fix" your metabolism
Maintain normal weight, eat healthy low carb, exercise, get 6-7 hours sleep every night, don't stress, always eat breakfast and don't skip any meals - effectively do everything we have been told to do for years, and that will maximize your fasting sugar control
And if all that is not enough then take the meds
But don't worry about what you ate last night before bed, that cookie that maybe was snuck - it had NOTHING to do with your morning numbers
Yes - and the darker the better - good fat and antioxidants - but can be tough on the blood sugar if you get carried away - but sure a few square (just check the label)
Bakers Chocolate is generally sugarless - still some carbs but not like milk chocolate and the darks 75 or 85% Cocoa (or higher) likewise have minimal sugar
Had same problem reading at 145, AM 150? I now take 4-6 baking chocolate at night now readings are 145 PM, 100 in AM! The pancreas raises sugar if the body needs it during PM, it doesn't if it has enough sugar! Works for me.
4-6 squares of chocolate ?
How many disks did you take? Also did you take before bedtime, maybe 2 hours before. You have to experiment to see if it will work for you. I take 6 before bedtime, Mine was 101 this AM.
I Am Having Problems Regulating My Blood Sugars During The Day. But When I Wake Up I Have Low Blood Sugars. ( I Do Not Have An Appetite)
I Mwondering Lately If I Am Hiding My Type 2 By Hacking My BG Average By Excercise Rituals. My BG Easily Spikes To 170 Without Excercise
Blood Pressure