Does Anyone Have Any Advice On Intermittent Fasting And The Impact Of Type II Diabetes?
Last A1c was 9. Since them (4 months), I have eliminated all sugar and wasted carbs from my diet. I'm am readily losing weight but am hoping to reduce the 1500 MGs of Metformin ER and Jardiance that I take everyday. My fasting blood sugars (with the above medicine) are typically under 100.
What are your 2 hour numbers , be detailed.
I have heard
@A DiabetesTeam Member metformin is the most prescribed diabetes med on the planet
and yes upwards of 10% of people can never take the stuff, but still very much on the market everywhere
According to the treatment guidelines (same ones are used by all the member countries in this group) the Doctor would not typically consider reducing or eliminating your medications until your A1C is under 6.5%
The guidance is (paraphrased) "give meds or more meds when >7.0% and don't take them away until <6.5%
Currently the higher dose of Metformin and the Jardiance are giving you quite a bit of help. You will have to continue to work hard to alleviate the need for either
If you have been diabetic since 2015 that would also make it increasingly difficult to reduce medication in general, but likewise not impossible
If you can afford to lose some weight that would have the greatest effect on your blood sugar control at this point
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