Did You Know That Today (March 14th) Is World Kidney Day?
I guess everything gets a "day" now, but for us Kidney's are kind of important
Unfortunately for us the Beast we call Diabetes seems to really like destroying Kidneys - 1 in 3 of us will develop some level of Kidney Disease simply because we are Diabetic
I'm in those statistics - I have Stage 2 CKD
If I don't want to be part of that 15% of us that sees things end because of CKD then I need to "behave"
Keeping your blood sugar below 8.7 mmols/157 "as many minutes of the day as possible" will… read more
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member, and all you warriors.
Are Pi's good or bad for your kidneys.
Today is also Pi day. Celebrated by eating pies.
If you don't maintain and manage your sugar, your sugar will punish you
My diabetes and I are old best friends.If I treat my diabetes well I get treated well too.
If neither,all hell breaks loose
Thanks for the heads up. I will add this kidney test along with insulin to my next blood test due next month
I only have one kidney too.Mine packed up as result of COVID, norovirus, dehydration caused by antibiotic induced diarrhea.
My sister died as result of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
What Did You Eat For Supper Today?
What Do The Doctors Tell You To Protect Your Kidneys?
What Are The Side Effects Of Metformin And Lantus? I Was Told To See A Kidney Doctor