I Was Just Diagnosed With Diabetes 2 On Feb 10. And Ended Up In The Hospital With Pneumonia And Was Pumped Full Of Steroids.
I am on a steroid roller coaster, I have been in the hospital with pneumonia my reading is anywhere between 64 - 290 scares me to death.
The steroids alone will put your blood sugar on a roller coaster that should regulate once you are done with the drug - patience and try not to worry - nothing you can do but ride it out - the faster you heal/get back to normal the better so try not to stress and slow that process down
I'm not a doctor but you were just diagnosed. I would give it some time. When my sugar gets too low sometimes I overcompensate and take too much sweets and then it gets really high. I try to calibrate the sweets a little bit at a time so my sugar doesn't reverse and get too high. It takes time to know yourself. Take care.👍
Having Diabetes Is So Stressful
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