What Do You Mean 1 Carb Do You Mean One Serving Of Carb. How Many Calories Make That 1 Carb .I Notoce Hkc Said He Take 10-15 Carb Daily
Some of the diet plans count carbs in 15's, so "1" = 15 grams and 2 = 30 and so because if you follow most national diabetes diet strategies they say to consume 45 carbs or 60 carbs per meal
When most of us on this website talk about carbs we are talking "grams of carbs" as in 16 carbs is 16 grams of carbs
I can handle about 30 carbs (grams of carbs) before my BG will go out of range. If I followed one of those diets it would "2" (whatever they call it - 2 carb choices?)
People want simple
Diabetes is complicated
Try and reduce it to much to just yes/no answers, 1 or 2 or 3 "carb portions" or GI numbers only and you better plan on medicating a whole lot because you need to figure out what works for YOU
I can eat 30 carbs, someone else can only eat 3 (as in 3 grams) because T2 is a metabolic disorder so it's individual and what is good for me may not be good for you so some standardized diet where we all eat the same number (grams) of carbs as the basis is useless - no two of us will respond the same
Why My Sugar Drops After Taking Glycomin 5 And Metfomin850,to 3, Should I Reduce My Treatment, If So By How Much
Hi. Please Explain How Carbs And Calories Are Calculated
When Your Glucose Reading Is Above 250mg/dl, What Can You Do To Quickly?