Why Is My Sugar Level Spike Even Im Not Eating While Im Fasting
My body is very much of and normal
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
Everyone requires energy 24/7 to run essential processes like the brain and the heart. Our bodies use glucose in the cells in combination with insulin to produce that energy. Even when sleeping.
But we need more energy in preparation for wake-up than while sleeping, so our liver releases stored glucose, glucogen into our bloodstream in preparation for morning wake-up needs. It keeps those glucogen taps open until we eat. So it's important to eat soon after eating to close those glucogen taps.
A nondiabetic still produces enough insulin to handle the excess glucose and so only has a limited glucose spike. Diabetics ability to produce and use insulin is compromised. So we get a glucose rise, a glucose spike.
We can close those glucogen taps by eating or continue to see the higher glucose readings. It's normal to see those higher glucose numbers, until we eat. We will see a post eating glucose spike, and that's normal.
Does this explain what you need to know.
Good luck.
And never give up, never surrender, never ever.
You got this.
Have a wonderful day.
So Has Any1 Heard Of Eating Ur Vegies N Proteins First Before The Carbs To Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes N Can This Also Help In Type 1`s?
Anybody Have The Pro Bleme Of Hi Sugar Only During Night Time And Morning And Ok Rest Of The Day ?
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