Can Diabetes Be Treated By Natural Herbs?
Type 2 is a metabolic disorder and depending on how advanced "your diabetes" is, with all the proper lifestyle changes, naturals/traditionals and supplements may be all the help you need
And it's a huge But, you have to do ALL the really hard work yourself.
You can maintain normal weight with no excuses
Eat a Low Carb diet and watch your calorie intake to both maintain controlled blood sugar and normal weight, and,
Get some regular exercise - even a 20 minute "dedicated" walk a day is often enough along with getting enough sleep and not stressing
Not take a "diet vacation" because it's the holiday season or playoff's and not give in when their is a table of baked treats
Your Diabetes is not too far advanced and you can mostly control it just by "treating your body with respect" and not stuffing it with junk food, then naturals/supplements/traditionals may be all that you need
But if you are looking for something you an take and have it "fix you up" that is not going to happen
If you NEED Meds because you can't do the hard work yourself then there is no supplement, no traditional, no natural that will take care of it for you
Meds are there if, for whatever reason, you can't live the lifestyle needed for control
I have been Type 2 for 8 years. I have never taken Diabetes meds. My A1C is always under 6.0 (typically 5.4 to 5.6)
I take Milk Thistle, Chromium, a Daily Probiotic and Fiber supplements and that works for "ME"
But only because I initially lost 60 pounds and kept it off now "for years"
I don't cheat on my 2000 calorie/day, 130 (max) carb/day diet - I follow a structured exercise program every second day and I never make excuses to eat something I shouldn't and I don't "try" - I Do
It's lots of work and the only reward is "no meds" - Oh, and Great Health and control that will prevent complications so that I can grow old with good function
But there is no "magic supplement" that anyone can take and do the hard work for them - that's what Real Meds are for "if you need them"
I am trying to control things naturally. I have used berberine, milk thistle and chromium as supplements. In my experience its helps but not a lot and I suspect if you just want to take something then go the meds route. However changing my diet to low carb and having lost more than 20kg through intermittent fasting has pushed my BS values into completely normal. I have just started an exercise program of 30 mins on a treadmill in the morning first thing and that seems be getting rid of the early morning high readings when I wake up. So I am going to say diet, weight loss and exercise are the most beneficial natural things you can do
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