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I Would Like To Know How Should Be My Glucose Right After Finish Eating. Thank You.

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
April 28, 2024
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
2 hours after beginning eating your number should be in the nondiabetic range of 4.0(72 usa) to 7.8(140 usa), for best diabetes outcomes. Baby steps.

I eat to my blood glucose meter. I shoot for 7.8(140 usa). I slowly cut my carbs until my 2 hour number is in that range. It helps if your before eating number is 7.0(126 usa) or lower. Baby steps.

A number 7.8(140 usa) or lower does not add to cumulative vascular damage from post meal glucose spikes. Keeping your 2 hour numbers in this range will hold diabetes complications and comorbidities right where they are now. Baby steps.

For me, after 5 months of impeccable control my diabetes peripheral neuropathy began to heal a bit. I am indeed blessed, but I did the work necessary to stop the progression. Baby steps.

Personally, it took months to get my morning fasting blood glucose numbers to 7.0(126) or less. My 2 hour numbers got in range, within weeks. Baby steps.

Good luck.

April 28, 2024 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

I have 18 diseases with no cure and 5 are autoimmune, so it makes diabetes a little trickier. But I am for 2 hrs after 1st bite of food to be below 7.8 (USA 140 as above this you cause damages to blood vessels and organs. I have gastroparesis due to my autoimmune diseases which means my stomach does not empty normally so my 2 hrs post can remain high at times. We stopped a bladder medication I was on which causes the stomach emptying to be slower. It has been 3 or maybe 4 weeks now that I have stopped it and as Graham mentioned my 1 hr after meals hikes so high I had not seen this much in the past, it appears my stomach is starting to empty properly, I can go as high as 9.0 (USA 162) but at the 2 hrs after the meal I am already below 7.8 (USA 140), and this is what matters the most, it means my stoach is now emptying better at the 1 hr mark and my body produces enough insulin on its own to bring it down, I was shocked to see a 9.0 1 hr after a meal as this never happened so quickly for me. When I was diagnosed diabetic my A1C was 11.9 %, with sugar levels in the 17.5 (315) to 19.2 (345) ranges, 9 months later with diet changes and advice learned in here I completely came off all diabetic medication and my A1C has been below 6.5 % since May 2020, so it can be done in some cases when you are within 3 yrs of being diagnosed, I am considered in diabetes remisison, but I cannot go back to eating like I used too, pasta and rice is a rare occasion for me, I do not eat much bread either, if I am not home and eat certain foods I get into trouble with my numbers if I were to try and eat foods my body cannot tolerate. My Fbs are usually below 6.5 (117) which is pre diabetic ranges, but the rest of the day I am in target. I have a pre-existing conditon since 36 yrs now called reactive hypoglycemia and a new Endo explained to me last yr that this is now considred a pre diabetes conditon, he stated to never expect normal Fbs because of this condition. So there may be some exception depending on other healt issues which may contribute to diabetes. I have autoimmune diseases so when I flare up I become inflammed and swollen so my numbers take a hike, I may eat the same foods and normally OK, but during the flare ups they become higher. But aiming for 2 hrs after 1st bite to be below 7.8 is the goal. If not reduce portions or stop eating the food in question, try again much later and see how things go. 1 day at a time, never give up.

April 29, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

Henry nailed where you want it after eating

I think most people when they start wearing a CGM get a little freaked out by "how high" your blood sugar goes particularly in the "first hour" after eating

It can really shoot up there and the same thing happens to "non-diabetics" because it's totally Normal/Natural to really "spike" in the first hour

As diabetics we don't have to worry about that spike but rather "where is our BG" at 1 1/2 to 2 hours after we eat - that tells you how well your (system) or the meds you are taking are working

A Non-Diabetic will be back below 7.8 mmols/140 points by about 1 1/2 to 2 hours so if (we) aren't that means either we ate too many carbs or we didn't take enough meds to make us ("normal")

And that is the goal - to get back to normal after eating just like a non-diabetic

April 28, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

Thank you! ♥️

April 28, 2024

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