Readings Rise Steadily During Night. NOT Spike, Just Steady Straight-line Rise, So I Don't Thing Dawn Or Somogyi. Thoughts???
What are you eating before bed? Try not eating after 6 pm?
Your story sounds kind of like my own.
Sulforaphane can serve to regulate your overall endocrine system.
See "sulforaphane National Institutes of Health ".
Thanks, now I can sound Intelligent at the next appointment 🤣
Anytime you are not eating and digestion from your last meal is finished, your Liver takes care of your bodies sugar needs
There is a number of hormones that cause a release in sugar, in what (quantity) and for how long
Dawn Effect is "mostly" the result of Epinephrine and Cortisol along with a bit of Growth Hormone from the Pituitary
BUT there is dozens of other hormones' that can cause a sugar release during fasting
If your sugars rise in essentially a slightly rising line - generally uniform that "could be" an Adrenal Gland or Thyroid issue - mildly increased hormone levels from either of those glands (and few other causes) "could" result in a slightly ascending blood sugar level
That's why, when your Primary Doc gets frustrated when you don't respond to the standard treatment protocols (which are the same in every country that belongs to this group) they send you off to see the Endo
An Endocrinologist IS a hormone doctor and they would look for that "phantom" hormone that is effecting your sugar levels that has nothing to do with the Diabetes itself
So, first step - talk to your doctor and tell them what YOU are seeing and insist they look into it with a referral if necessary
Impact Of Extreme Heat And Humidity...
Anybody Have The Pro Bleme Of Hi Sugar Only During Night Time And Morning And Ok Rest Of The Day ?
Does Diet Sodas Cause Higher Fasting Glucose Levels?