How Can I Improve My Memory?
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
Yes, I am taking ALA, Alpha Lipoic Acid. It helps with my numbers, about 3-5 usa. That is the reason I have been supplementing with ALA.
But now that you mention it, it does seem to help my memory a bit.
But being tired, has an adverse effect temporarily on my memory. So adequate sleep is in order. As well as regular varied exercise.
Word games help, so does Sudoku, doing jigsaw puzzles. Reading out loud to someone helps, more than just reading.
Learning and teaching new things, makes a positive impact. Fully engaging in the moment and with others has an impact too.
Music from our youth engages us as well, and lifts our mood.
My Bride, Heather, and all her sisters were diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers Disease, more than 30 years ago.
Her mothers generation all died with alzheimers as did her mothers father. She is the youngest of 5 girls. I've been doing research and experiments with her for this whole time.
I notice correlations with decline, like ceasing reading aloud. So she reads to me most every day. We learn and teach new skills constantly.
Now she tells me we will learn macrame, caning, knitting and crocheting. I'm up for the macrame, lashing, caning to start.
I have been augmenting her journey with various supplements. Anything that she tests deficient in, like ALA, vitamin D, E, B12, Boron, B6.
When she tests okay we drop those supplements, till she tests low again.
Plus high quality, bioavailable fish oil, Tumeric Curcumin Ginger, l-Glutathione.
A daily prebiotic and probiotic. A fiber supplement, Adequate balanced nutrition with fresh vegetables, protein, fruit, and limited carbs. Locavore organic whole foods, many from my gardens, no pesticides or herbicides.
Good luck.
Think π
For the past few years my Wife regularly saw a Cognitive Psychologist - in clinical practice many work with Dementia patients to try and dig out memories using a few (tricks)
I ended up making appointments with her myself because the conversation was fascinating and mentally challenging - we don't use our Brains enough in everyday life - everything is habit, schedule, routine...
What they do with Dementia patients, and it can improve anyone's memory is play word games, do crosswords, word searches - READ something - get your brain off auto-pilot and back in gear
One of the tricks if you are trying to remember an event or "what was I doing back then" is to google the top 30 or 40 "radio hits" from that period and listen to them - they can trigger adjacent memories from the time period
Just like muscles that get flabby if we don't work them, the brain is no different
And you may want to try an ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) supplement - it's supposed to help - perhaps @A DiabetesTeam Member Henry can advise, I believe he currently is or did take it for a while and can give an assessment
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