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What's A Common Misconception About Diabetes?

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
posted May 20
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A DiabetesTeam Member

All those are great responses guys. I was just 40 pounds over weight. Very active life style,but I developed T2. My paternal,maternal,my aunt,uncle, mother, and myself are all T2. My Dr is currently doing genetics testing to see if I have any other hereditary illnesses,so she can start early treatment.T2 is hereditary. I did lose 50 pounds,watch my diet. Put my T2 in remission for a year. My BS is rarely over 150 anymore.

posted May 20
A DiabetesTeam Member

That diabetes is caused by eating to much sugar

posted May 20
A DiabetesTeam Member

Everyone think if you take your medication then you can eat enything,

posted May 20
A DiabetesTeam Member

That you 'did it to yourself' by 'eating too much sugar'!

posted May 20
A DiabetesTeam Member

Type 2 can be hereditary and I’m told often you can’t have diabetes you are thin you exercise and you watch what you eat. I do exercise I’m at a great weight most of the time I watch what I eat and I am a diabetic! I don’t judge I just want support for when I want chips that’s my downfall or my chi tea, it’s a hard journey to take alone, unless you also have diabetes, Sue

posted May 20

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