Taking Metformin Over A Long Period Say 1000mgs Over 10 Yrs If Sugar Readings Are Good Can You Stop Taking It?
64 yrs type 2 80kgs goes to gym 3x week. Female
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
What are your before meal readings and 2 hour readings. What do you typically eat each meal. Be detailed with portion sizes and total amounts of each food eaten.
Are all your numbers in the nondiabetic range of 4.0(72 usa) to 7.8(140 usa).
Slowly cut back your carbs, till your numbers are all there. Do some of the hard work. Do your part.
When your numbers are all there, Then talk with your doctors. Discuss cutting back on your metformin.
Good luck. Do what you need to do.
What works for me is exercising 4 days a week and eating right, some days and others I eat what I want but in moderation, I will take a pill every other day or not, when I had my annual check up this month my numbers were 5.8 and glucose was 118 last year my numbers were three the roof. Hope this helps
If you can maintain decent fasting numbers without it then yes it can be discontinued - many do that - you don't have to take it forever if you no longer need it
Talk to your Doctor about even cutting to 500mg dose just to see and if it looks good then you could ditch it all - but do get professional advice
Thank you Graham now I know. Best Wendy
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