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Morning BG Number

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Otsego, MI

My BG reading at 5 am was 118. Two hours later after laying in bed for two hours not sound sleeping it was 139. Is that normal? How do you control that differentiation? I am on metformin twice daily and take 2.5 mg of glipizide once a day.

May 31
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member, and @A DiabetesTeam Member, and @A DiabetesTeam Member, and @A DiabetesTeam Member, and all you warriors.

Our bodies prepare for wake-up by dumping stored glucose, glucogen from our livers into our bloodstream. But as diabetics our bodies do not have sufficient insulin available to compensate for that additional glucose. Baby steps.

And our livers do not close the taps on that glucogen release until we eat. So it is important to eat within 30-60 minutes of wake-up to shut those glucogen taps. Baby steps.

It seems counterintuitive, to eat but it is the right thing to do to control that morning glucose rise. Test it out, if you need proof. Baby steps.

May 31 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

Thank you all for your answers. It lessens my worry and stress. I am very vigilant about controlling my BG and get upset if it is higher than normal in the morning.

May 31
A DiabetesTeam Member

Correct Hkc I also experienced the elevation after awakening irrespective of of whether you've eaten or not will continue to rise.

May 31
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member
Oh absolutely. Our bodies are fearfully, and wonderfully made,understanding how it works is very important. I eat at least an hour after waking. We also need so much sugar for our muscles and nerves,but to much can be damaging. Yes,baby steps very important.

May 31
A DiabetesTeam Member

Google Morning "Blood Spikes" it's a very common occurrence Jimmers. Let me know what you think πŸ€” my friend. Regards Chris Round πŸ‘ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

May 31

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