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I Use FreeStyle Libre 3 And My Graph Looks Like Rolling Hills. Low To High To Low To High. How Do You Keep It Steady.

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY

I sometimes skip inbetween snacks, would that cause it?

June 3, 2024
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Thanks for the info.

June 3, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

I used Freestyle Libre 3 for a while and it inaccurate readings. It measures your skin glucose, not blood glucose. I would check my Freestyle and then manually check my sugar, and they Freestyle was anywhere from 30 or more higher reading.

June 4, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

Omgosh @A DiabetesTeam Member I so know what that is like to be up and down when it comes to my blood sugars and so many things can cause that but I too believe its all part of having the disease. We can be fine for a bit then sometimes out of the blue theres a spike or a low blood sugar and sometimes we know why and sometimes not at least thats how it is in my case having Type 1 that is....the joys.....hope it stabalizes so you will be more comfortable on where its fun those fluctuations....🙄

June 3, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member the hills can roll all they want if you are "staying in range" (staying in the green at least 75% of the time

it's normal and natural for our blood sugar to rise and fall "minute by minute" throughout the day

Eating carbs add sugar to our blood and our muscles, organs and cells use it for fuel - so food in BG "up" - everybody starts feeding, BG goes "down"

What you don't want to do is spike out of range and then crash back to your regular low, that leads to a short burst of energy followed by a long period of fatigue

So, as long as you are staying in range at least 75% of the time then all the ups and downs don't really matter for "diabetes management"

But if you are looking to regulate your energy levels - and I mean get a consistently "equal" supply of energy (not more of it) that you can learn to pace yourself towards you should eat "about" 15 carbs every 4 to 5 hours

For most of us that would mean eating within the First Hour of waking up - that is super important for Diabetics - resets the "body clock" which for us means turning off the fasting sugar from the Liver and turning on the Insulin from the Pancreas - that ONLY HAPPENS if you EAT

Then simply "eat a meal" every 4 or 5 hours later (or a decent snack in place of a meal) and "not Grazing" in between

I eat between 6 and 7 AM most days, then again between 11-12 (noon), then 4:30 and 9-10PM (yes, eat a late meal)

4 slightly smaller meals almost equal in calories and carbs (in my case about 500 calories and 25 carbs is the target) - that gives me a constant supply of "ingested carbs", keeps my Liver out of the game as much as possible (we have Zero influence on how much it releases), keeps my energy level more consistent and gives me an average blood glucose of 6.0-6.5 mmols/108-117 on a day over day basis

Sometimes is it spiking way above or below that? Sure is, and that is part of the game - see what spiked you and adjust the portion size or remove the offending food all together

When using a CGM you have literally 1440 "finger sticks" a day to compare - don't get hung up on a number here or there, it's the "average" that is how you should manage

Look for the Time In Range screen from the dropdown options - that matters - a spike here or there or those rolling hills, not so much

June 3, 2024

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