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T2D - Can't Seem To Lower Glucose Level (200mg/dL) - What To Do - Currently Drinking Fluids, Walking/running - On Metformin.

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
Seattle, WA
June 17
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A DiabetesTeam Member

The AI response wasn't bad actually. Finding how much and when my body was responding to food,fluids,meds snd excersizing was all new to me. I invested in 2 months of libre monitors ( "continuous Blood sugar monitors) and tried my "normal " schedule , different foods , normal/different excersizes etc... the management was easier.

Excersizing, diet , making your food choices easier at home by not buying ... stuffs... all helped me significantly. There was no silver bullet ;)

June 17
A DiabetesTeam Member

If your blood glucose levels remain high despite taking Metformin, drinking fluids, and exercising, consider the following steps:

1. Monitor Blood Glucose: Regularly test your blood sugar to track patterns and identify any triggers
2. Consult Your Doctor: Your doctor may need to adjust your Metformin dosage or add another Show Full Answer

If your blood glucose levels remain high despite taking Metformin, drinking fluids, and exercising, consider the following steps:

1. Monitor Blood Glucose: Regularly test your blood sugar to track patterns and identify any triggers.
2. Consult Your Doctor: Your doctor may need to adjust your Metformin dosage or add another medication.
3. Dietary Changes: Review your diet to ensure you're eating low-calorie, low-carbohydrate meals.
4. Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Ask your doctor about newer forms of glucose monitoring for better control.

Always follow your doctor's advice and report any persistent issues.

June 17

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