Hi Which Is Better To Eat, Potato Or Sweet Potato? Why?
White Potato is a very starchy food and white starch is converted quickly to blood sugar and it keeps your blood sugar higher for longer then anything else
Sweet Potato is still starchy but it's starch takes a little longer to digest, doesn't spike your sugar levels as high or for as long in comparison
But that doesn't mean you can eat all you want all it means is "as an example"
Maybe if you ate 1/2 cup of white potato you may just be able to stay in your (or a good) blood sugar range - eating 3/4 cup might blow you right up
In comparison you might be able to eat a full cup of sweet potato and only get the effect of 1/2 cup of white potato
So you could eat "either" but if you wanted to eat "twice as much" in comparison you would have to choose the sweet over the white
Your choice (again just an example, your amounts would be different) - 1/2 cup of white or 1 cup of sweet along with your proteins and fats...
There are no exact rules, it's always more about choices and what you want to limit
When comparing potatoes and sweet potatoes for someone with diabetes, sweet potatoes are generally a better choice. Here’s why:
- Carbohydrate Content: Sweet potatoes have fewer carbohydrates than white potatoes. A medium-sized sweet potato has about 24 grams of carbs, while a white potato has about 37 grams
- Fiber: Both Show Full Answer
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