My Fasting Blood Sugar Was 300 This Morning. After I Ate Some Honey Nut Cheerios It Went To The High Zone Again. Will I Die From This?
Drink plenty of water afterwards to kinda dilute the sugars and call your doctor immediately
Honey nut cherries have sugar plus honey. Always try to read the information on everything before u eat it. We all make the wrong choices sometimes.
@A DiabetesTeam Member
If you eat Cheerios eat the original ones. If this number brothers you contact your Dr. My ran in the 400s for a long time. Anything 600 or above usually requires hospitalization if it doesn't come down. Hugs
A fasting blood sugar level of 300 is quite high and should be addressed promptly. Here are some steps you can take:
- Consult Your Healthcare Team: It's crucial to contact your doctor, diabetes care nurse, or diabetes educator immediately. They can provide personalized advice and adjustments to your treatment plan
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Morning Highs
Anybody Have The Pro Bleme Of Hi Sugar Only During Night Time And Morning And Ok Rest Of The Day ?
Should You Eat If Your Fasting Number Is High?