Is There A Link Between Heart Disease And Type 2 Diabetes And Hypertension Yes Or No Scott Erman
Of course there is and ASCVD - diseases of the heart and circulatory system are the Leading Cause of Premature Death in Diabetics whether Type 1, 2, 3, LADA or MODY
Because blood sugar even just a "little" higher than normal for sustained periods of time DESTROYS your Vascular System
Anytime your Blood Sugar remains above about 140 points or 7.8 mmols for "longer than" about 4 to 6 hours a day (cumulative) YOU ARE Damaging your Vascular System
And if you do that "long enough" you will destroy your big veins first which lead to Neuropathy, Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Attack and Stroke then the small veins get in on the party for a while since the "big veins/arteries" (macrovascular system) is kinda tough and will take a bit of a beating
The smaller vessels (microvascular) are the ones that make your life miserable BEFORE your heart takes you out
Those little veins get destroyed and you lose your Vision (Retinopathy), your Kidney's (leads to failure and possibly dialysis) but maybe fortunately it also results in Vascular Dementia - looks like Alzheimer's but is cause by blood sugar damage, so maybe at least you don't realize that the Diabetes Monster is killing you slowly and painfully
And the Beast is sneaky
Because often you don't get any warning of the damage being done until you are at the point where the (damage) is Way Too Advanced to effectively do anything about it
That is 70% of Diabetics who bop along with an A1C way north of 6.5% - kinda the line between "living long and prospering" (as Spock used to say on Star Trek) and dying young with body parts amputated after living with years of debilitating pain
Not trying to scare anyone here, but Diabetes is serious and you only have two choices
Control it however you need too - habit changes, weight loss, eating right, exercise, Real Meds, OR
Lie to yourself, ignore real medical advice, look for excuses and Die Young in great pain
There is no Door Number 3 "after" you have been diagnosed
Yes, there is a link between heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.
This AI-generated response comes from DiabetesTeam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.
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