I Take Insulin By Injection. What Does Mg/dL Stand For?
mg/dl is the (system/method) that the US uses to express how much blood sugar is contained in a given volume of blood
So if you use a SMBG "stick test meter" to measure your blood and the number was say 150 that would mean
That in your case, the meter extrapolates that there is 150 milligrams of sugar in 1 deciliter of blood
Or in plain english - if you drained about 3.4oz of your blood into a beaker and then sucked out the sugar content, there would be 0.005 ounces of sugar in the suspension
It's just a whole lot easier to say "my blood sugar reading or BG is 150" 😁
And in the case of an insulin user who "dynamically doses" their insulin, eventually you would know that if my BG is 150 and I was expecting it to be "below 140" that would mean I need to add a couple extra units of insulin to my injection (pure made up example)
If you "static dose" where the Doc tells you "inject X units at night or before a meal" and you test and the mg/dl is "out of whack" from what is expected, then you would see your Doc again and (they) would adjust the dosage of your insulin
Mg/dL stands for milligrams per deciliter. It is a unit of measurement used to express blood glucose levels. For people with diabetes, the average range of blood glucose levels is:
- Before meals: 80 to 130 mg/dL
- After meals: Less than 180 mg/dL
These measurements help in managing and monitoring blood sugar levels Show Full Answer
I Am Having Problems Regulating My Blood Sugars During The Day. But When I Wake Up I Have Low Blood Sugars. ( I Do Not Have An Appetite)
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