I'm Need To Know How Some Of You Control Your Diabetes Mellitus
I'm with @A DiabetesTeam Member on this, as self discipline helped, as well as portion control. Best regards to you.
When I was diagnosed the first thing I did was stop making promises to myself that I wouldn't keep and stopped making excuses
I went on a diet - cut my calories and carbs
I lost the 50 pounds I NEEDED To - no excuses (actually ended up losing 60 and keeping it off)
I stopped eating processed, supersized crap - saw a Dietitian, worked out a Diabetes friendly "new way of eating" and didn't cheat
I started (slowly) an exercise routine which eventually ended up as a 25 minute routine every second day
For me that was enough - initial diagnosis A1C 6.9, 90 days later 5.7, another 90 days after that 5.4
I "stick tested" twice a day to gauge how I was doing then eventually moved to using a CGM (Libre then Libre2) so I get an "instant report" that won't let me "lie to myself or hide/sneak food I shouldn't be eating"
It's been 8 years - still not making excuses "why I can't", I just do it....
I control my diabetes journey by what I eat, and by what I don't eat.
Meat and fat have no carbs. Many vegetables have very few carbs.
Eggs are very low carb.
Most of my meals look like stir-fry, or eggs, or soup, or salads, or some combination of the above.
Low impact Exercise helps.
Good luck.
Good for you. A little late, but good for you.
My first A1c in 1986 was 13.4
I initially lost some weight and within a yr had my A1c down to 6.9. Dic was happy with that and I continued with my plan and metformin for many yrs. Sadly this level is not low enough to prevent damage to my nervous system kidneys etc. when I started having neuropathy symptoms was told it was normal for a diabetic. I now realize after a lot if reading that getting my A1c down to closer to normal should have been my goal now after A bit of a rollercoaster with changing my life style my A1c is 5.2. I got here by testing frequently to learn what my body could handle and by uping my exercise. Its a lot of work but you are worth it!
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