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I Just Got Diagnosed Wn The 28th Of October And I've Been Holding Back On Meals Because I'm Too Scared To Eat, Is Skipping Meals Bad For You

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
October 31, 2024
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Causes and Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes Read Article...
A DiabetesTeam Member

I agree with Joyce. Also recognize that our bodies need the nutrients from food.

October 31, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

I was a Home Health Aide. Most of us are very good people.πŸ™‚

November 1, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

It can take you a couple of YEARS to figure out exactly what your "new way of eating" (because diet brings up ideas of some short term thing until you fit into a bathing suit for spring break and you need to change the way you eat "forever")

So don't sweat it - you have to eat and even if you are not eating the "best foods for a diabetic", eating regularly and trying to eat at the same time every day helps regulate our metabolisms (Type 2 is a metabolic disorder, so fixing/appeasing your metabolism goes a long way to managing the diabetes)

Start with the "low hanging" stuff - stop the "added sugars" FIRST

Sugar in coffee, tea, pop/soda, juice (ya even "natural sugar" is still sugar - including honey, molasses, syrups etc) has ZERO Nutritional value and does nothing more for US other than jack up our blood sugar

Going "sugar free" is a major step and takes a while to get used to depending on how much sugar you "used in your life before Diabetes"

That can take MONTHS before things start tasting right again (you need to imprint the new taste)

So just say NO to Sugar

Work on that until you have it nailed and "then" you can look at the next step

You are not going to fix your diet today or tomorrow - next year it will still be a work in progress, so don't sweat it - it took you "decades" to mess up your metabolism enough to develop diabetes, you can't expect to fix it in a few days or weeks...

November 1, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes,please don't skip meals.

October 31, 2024
A DiabetesTeam Member

Sorry @A DiabetesTeam Member was away for a couple of days

Type 2 Diabetes is a "metabolic" disorder where we don't produce enough insulin or are resistant to the insulin we produce or a little of both

Type 2 develops when our metabolism, because of the (problems caused by numerous other issues such as weight, genetics or just plain wearing out body parts with age) can no longer effectively (metabolize) sugar. We either don't produce or use chemicals/hormones properly anymore

So it wasn't something we "caught", it's not an infection, it wasn't an injury (that would be Type 3C diabetes) and it wasn't auto-immune

Some other metabolic disorders that are common include high cholesterol and high triglycerides - both mostly self-inflicted as a result of weight management Plus eating way too much long chain Saturated Fats (like in french fries and everything else fried we used to stick in our mouths)

Alternately Type 1 is an auto-immune condition where the body sees the pancreas as an "infection" and produces anti-bodies to try and kill it

If our metabolism is not "too far gone" at the time of diagnosis (what little science looked at has figured it can handle about 6 years of abuse from Type 2 before it becomes irreversible), we can mostly correct what is "messed up" by getting to normal weight, eating healthy/low carb, and getting a bit of exercise

Kinda like abusing the engine on your car - after a certain point it can't even be rebuilt and needs to be scrapped - at diagnosis as a Type 2 our own body has told us "you have messed up the engine pretty good - either you fix things up and start keeping the oil changed and regular maintenance done or I'm going to end up in the scrap yard real soon" 😁

November 4, 2024

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