A Lot Of These Smart Watch On The Internet, Do They Work. I Don't Understand How They Can. They Look Attractive. Has Anyone One Used One
They work by Bluetooth to your phone, and an approved app, but please as @A DiabetesTeam Member said do not depend on them for testing your blood glucose, their a gimmick. I have one but I rely on my fingerstick, because the watches are useless for that purpose.
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
Do not waste your money on these glucose monitoring watches.
The glucose monitoring watches you are talking about are so inaccurate that they do not have approvals in any country in the world.
If you relied on one for medical decisions you could die.
For testing purposes my Bride and I have purchased 3 different ones of these.
They absolutely suck.
Snake oil salesmen are everywhere and prey on anyone gullible enough to waste their money.
China will produce and sell you anything, regardless of safety and will prey on those that are gullible.
I repeat,
Do NOT Buy one of these glucose monitoring watches. Do NOT waste your money or jeopardize your health and life.
In my welcome message to everyone on this site I warn everyone about these watches.
Many people with diabetes find smartwatches helpful for managing their condition. For example, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) can sync with smartwatches, allowing users to check their glucose levels at any time. This technology, combined with proper medication, diet, and exercise, can help keep A1c levels under control Show Full Answer
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