I Eat No Fat Greek Yogurt With Protien, High Fiber , But Still Trouble Getting Enough Protein And Lower My Fat Intake. What Can I Do?
To increase your protein intake while keeping fat low, consider these tips:
- Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean meats like chicken breast, turkey, and fish
- Plant-Based Proteins: Add tofu, tempeh, and legumes (beans, lentils) to your meals.
- Low-Fat Dairy: Use low-fat or fat-free dairy products like milk, cheese, and Show Full Answer
You can aslo look for protein drinks. Most are low carb and there are many flavors.
What Is The Best Kind Of Carbs/ Protein To Eat For Blood Sugar
Food Suggestions
So I’m Looking Too Improve My Health In The New Year It’s A Big Battle For Me As I Don’t Like Salads Or Much Veg Apart From Leeks Onions