How Do You Control Your Numbers To The Nondiabetic Range Of 4.0(72 Usa) To 7.8(140 Usa).
Hi warriors
Diagnosed February 2021, A1C 13.5.
I control my diabetes with right eating, portion control, Japanese science and medicine, exercise if your doctors allow, attitude, and a compelling reason to do what is necessary. I sleep 6-7 hours nightly, 8 is better. I do 10-15 minutes self care daily. Baby steps.
I test at least 4-6 times daily
1) upon waking- fasting blood glucose number, less than 7.0(126) is good.
2) 2 hours after eating my most carb laden meal, 7.8(140).
3) before… read more
Diet and exercise. I eat low carb and avoid gluten which cuts out a lot of carb laden foods, I don’t eat rice, white potatoes, breads unless keto and gluten free, pasta, sugar, and I eat only on very rare occasions high carb vegis and fruits like corn, peas, bananas and cherries. I will eat half an apple or pear or a Clementine orange on occasion as well. I eat lean protein and low carb vegis and I do eat nuts too. I try to go to the gym 4 to 5 days a week but right now back issues are keeping me to treadmill and only 3 days a week.
We know what and how much we can eat
We know what we "should be" doing
All we need to do is roll up our sleeves and get serious - leave the excuses of "why I can't" outside the door and get down to business
The more knowledge I have the more successful I am. I'm very big on using Google for all things Diabetes. I have always exercised since quitting smoking in 1977. I adjust the intensity of my exercise as I grow older to ensure that I don't quit. That's my formula.
Keeping your eye on the ball.
Monitoring your blood glucose 3-4 times a day or if you can afford it or get it on a free prescription, continuous glucose monitor
Eating low carb or very low carb depending on your sensitivity to carbs
Long walk (if you can) once a week plus short local walks 1-2 times a week plus if you can affords it visits to the gym and/or hire a Personal Trainer
Take prescribed medications
Use supplements if they work for you
Portion control, good Food, snack and drink choices plus regular exercise is key. Obviously also regularly checking glucose levels👌🏼
I Am Having Problems Regulating My Blood Sugars During The Day. But When I Wake Up I Have Low Blood Sugars. ( I Do Not Have An Appetite)
Q: What Is YOUR BG (Blood Glucose) “window” (range) That Determines If You Think Your Number Is Good, Average, Or Bad?
How Should Your Reading Be From ? To ?