Does Anyone Else Seem To Grave Certain Sweets And Can't Control Not Eating Them?
I did initially when I cut carbs but it's like any other craving - you just keep ploughing through it
Sweets are a bad habit developed over years
You are not going to break the habit overnight and it helps if you replace it with something else (that isn't bad for you)
But you have to want to give the stuff up and you have to not make excuses for sneaking one or two or a bunch "because you have been good and deserve it" 😁
Managing cravings for sweets can be challenging, especially with diabetes. According to my knowledge base, strategies to help include eating more high-fiber foods, drinking water when feeling hungry (as thirst is often mistaken for hunger), and incorporating lean protein into meals to stay fuller longer. Mindful eating and Show Full Answer
Gud Morning , Is A Trigger Thumb Diabetic Related .Was On Anti Inflamatory But No Improvement
Low Blood Sugar
How Do You Cope With People Eating Sweet Treats In Front Of You?