I Take Novilin 70/30 Insulin But My Blood Sugar Is Still Running 345 To 420 It's Even Like This At Fasting
Talk to your doctor, you are not taking enough if your numbers are up in that range
High blood sugar levels despite using [[treatment:Novolin 70/30:56144b6d1fcaa3a25d0002e3]] could indicate that your dosage or timing may need adjustment, or other factors like diet, stress, or illness might be affecting your glucose control. [[treatment:Novolin 70/30:56144b6d1fcaa3a25d0002e3]] combines short-acting and Show Full Answer
I Am Having Problems Regulating My Blood Sugars During The Day. But When I Wake Up I Have Low Blood Sugars. ( I Do Not Have An Appetite)
When It’s Too High I Have Never Had This Explained To Me
Q: What Is YOUR BG (Blood Glucose) “window” (range) That Determines If You Think Your Number Is Good, Average, Or Bad?