I Don't Feel Well All The Time. I Take 3 Different Diabetic Medications. Could That Be The Cause?
I also take psychotropics.
It's possible that your diabetic medications or psychotropics could contribute to not feeling well, as both can have side effects. For diabetes, common side effects include upset stomach, low blood sugar, or fatigue. Psychotropics can also affect energy, mood, or appetite, which may impact blood sugar control. Speak with Show Full Answer
Diabetic drugs can also lead to gastrointestinal disruption. So hRd to tell without going off the drug and see if things improve. Need a dr to moniter you during this time
I've been dealing with the the mental health system since 1968, Susan. There definitely are a lot of shenanigans going on. Bipolar is very difficult. A battle. Take care and thank you for your input and concern.
Okay. Then it's definitely the psychotropics because my mood is pretty low. I have a mood disorder that I take the drugs for. I was just wondering if maybe the diabetic meds were contributing.
Yes, Margaret. I became aware that night while laying in bed that I was very nauseous. Thanks.
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