This Is A Serious One! Any Advice On Having A Needle Phobia?
Started on injections Monday this week. So far am not able to inject myself! My wife is doing the injections.
I've looked at Wev Advice but nothing helps.
I can't rely on her being here every day!
I'm on one evening injection of slow release insulin.
@A DiabetesTeam Member
I'll try saying " Girl you Got this" and see how it works. I'll get back to you!
I had to start injecting B12 shots in my arm. I hold the needle up to my arm and say girl you got this, do it and get it over with. It helps me to overcome my phobia.
Dealing with needle phobia can be tough, but you're not alone! Here are some tips to help you overcome it:
1. Start Small: Practice holding the syringe or pen without injecting. Familiarity can reduce fear
2. Distraction: Use music, TV, or deep breathing to shift focus during injections.
3. Numbing Cream: Ask your doctor Show Full Answer
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