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Is Finger Prick More Accurate For Glucose Check Compared To Sensor

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
5 days ago
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes, finger-prick blood glucose tests are generally more accurate than continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors. CGMs measure glucose in interstitial fluid, which lags behind blood glucose levels, especially after eating, exercising, or taking insulin. If accuracy is critical, such as during rapid changes in blood sugar Show Full Answer

Yes, finger-prick blood glucose tests are generally more accurate than continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors. CGMs measure glucose in interstitial fluid, which lags behind blood glucose levels, especially after eating, exercising, or taking insulin. If accuracy is critical, such as during rapid changes in blood sugar, a finger-prick test is recommended to confirm CGM readings.

5 days ago
A DiabetesTeam Member

Capillary blood gives a reading that is about 30 minutes ahead of the interstitial fluid that a cgm reads from.

Yes, a fingerstick is a bit more accurate and reliable.

But there is much information to be gleaned from a cgm. Take advantage and Use your cgm to identify how each food affects your blood glucose numbers.

This can help you gain more control of your diabetes journey.

Go for it.

5 days ago

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