Are There Guidelines For Diabetics Who Want To Fast? I Should Mention That I Am Not A Good Eater To Start With.
Thanks everyone, I think I might just pass for now and get myself on a good schedule before I try but thank you all.
Dr Jason Fung lays out many patterns of intermittent fasting.
Choose what you think you are willing to try. Then get your doctor on board to help monitor your progress - if he allows you to fast.
The big takeaway with intermittent fasting is:
Meals not eaten means fewer calories eaten.
There is no "generic" plan because you are trying to use a metabolic (technique) to treat your individual metabolic condition which is similar to other Type 2's but nowhere near the same in terms of what macronutrients/vitamins/minerals/trace elements YOU Need compared to say what I need
Dr. Fung (a nephrologist - Kidney Doc) whose patients are overwhelmingly Diabetics with Advanced Kidney Disease is considered one of the leading experts on Intermittent Fasting for the treatment of Diabetes
@A DiabetesTeam Member Henry has one of his books and there is tons of video's on line with him speaking about his programs mostly to audiences at Med Schools around North America - he knows his stuff and has developed great methods
But as always, you should co-ordinate any attempt with your own Doctor since there may be confounding conditions that would have to be considered or accommodated before your undertake a Intermittent Fasting (I.F.) program
But like every diet, and I personally follow a Low Carb/High Fat (LCHF) 2000 calorie, max 130 carb diet, it only works if you follow the rules
Many diets can work if you stick with them
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