Are Any Of You Ladies Getting Pain On The Right Side Underneath Your Breast Or Ribcage? It's A Constant Pain.
See a doctor now, if not sooner.
Yes @A DiabetesTeam Member I do get that type of pain occasionally and I have had a broken rib in my left side but I think it’s probably due to my bulging discs in the Thoracic spine which is just below my bra strap and I had compression fractures there and it led to a big Scoliosis bend of several centimetres in my right rib area. Also I have Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis in my body.
Having back and chest X-rays should give you some answers
also it could be worth following up with with blood work so if a bone problem is found) to get a referral with an Endocrinologist
Hugs from Judyxx
Thank you Judith. I am making a doctor's appointment soon. This pain is driving me nuts.
You should get this pain checked out to get a proper diagnosis. Wishing you the best always. Joyce
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