Is Anyone Experiencing A Constant Nausea? Could It Be From The Condition Or From The Diabetes Meds? If So, Are There Any Home Remedies?
I take a lot of other meds which might be causing this.
Thanks everyone. I had some oatmeal and that helped. Yes, this is every day. Too late to start seeing an endocrinologist, Judy as I'm leaving in a little over a month but Google is a friend. I was listening to music on YouTube and a woman was talking that instead of tea or coffee she has warmed water with sweetener. I have added ground cinnamon and it tastes better than both, is cheaper and does soothe the nausea. Thank you all for the concern and advice.
Nausea can be caused by diabetes itself, such as gastroparesis (a complication of diabetic neuropathy), or as a side effect of diabetes medications like Metformin. It could also stem from other medications you're taking. Eating smaller, more frequent meals may help manage nausea. However, it's essential to talk to your Show Full Answer
Thanks Joyce, I'll order ginger tea now.
@A DiabetesTeam Member hello my friend I hope you are able to get some help with the nausea - prior to leaving for the Philippines . Do you see an Endocrinologist? I lf not I recommend you get a referral from your doctor if he doesn’t have any answers to this recurring issue? Some good advice here from the Diabetes Team and from team members. Everyone is different and I recommend that you take the time to get some help!
Happy New Year 🥳
Hugs from Judyxx
I can't tolerate oatmeal. So I usually have eggs and greens.
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