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Tell Me Please About Metformin. Shall I Take It Or Not? Thank You.

A DiabetesTeam Member asked a question 💭
New York, NY
January 8
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A DiabetesTeam Member

Are you able to control your numbers without metformin.

So take metformin. It will help you lower your morning fasting blood glucose numbers.

January 8 (edited)
A DiabetesTeam Member

I take Metformin 1000 mg twice a day. One in the morning during breakfast and one in the evening during supper. It is supposed to help produce insulin and lower your blood sugar. My blood sugar is a little high today, but I am closely monitoring it. I use Abbott FreeStyle Libre 2 app on my phone with a sensor on the back of my upper left arm. I scan the sensor on the back of my arm with the app and it will read the glucose level. It will send the data to my primary care doctor via my LibreView account and it will help my doctor and I work together in getting my blood sugar in control. My doctor would put me on insulin if my blood sugar is too high. She wants me to cut back on red meat by eating more white meat, fish fiber, fruits and vegetables as well as exercising and losing weight. My family has a history of diabetes and it runs through both sides. My goal is to stay active, eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, exercise and lose weight. Please listen to our team ambassadors for their expert advice and take Metformin as directed by your doctor.

January 9
A DiabetesTeam Member

Yes, please take the advice of @A DiabetesTeam Member, and @A DiabetesTeam Member. Both have their T2 in remission. Wishing you the best on you're diabetes journey❤️

January 9
A DiabetesTeam Member

@A DiabetesTeam Member

Hello Irina
I urge you to take the advice of our two very experienced Senior Ambassadors @A DiabetesTeam Member and @A DiabetesTeam Member.
Please do not ignore your high sugar levels.
That would be very dangerous for you. 🤗

January 9
A DiabetesTeam Member

Ok, lets say you don't take it

What are YOU going to do or alternately take to control your blood sugar?

Uncontrolled Blood Sugar causes the following 100% of time - no exceptions

ASCVD - Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

High sugars destroy your Micro-Vascular system which leads to end stage kidney disease, blindness and dementia

High sugar destroy your Macro-Vascular system which leads to Peripheral Neuropathy which in latter stages results in amputations - toes, feet and legs mostly, increases your risk of stroke about 5 times compared to normal but you will most certainly die of Congestive Heart Failure (85% of uncontrolled diabetics die this way) if your kidneys don't take you out first

So if you can't control your blood sugar through diet, exercise and weight control or are not willing to take a different anti-diabetic medication (and they all have worse side effects than metformin ever will) OR you would opt to go on Insulin replacement (injections)

Then why "wouldn't" you take metformin

Ignoring the high sugar levels is signing your death warrant - and THAT is guaranteed

January 8

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