Which Method Of Delaying The Progression Of Diabetes (type 2)has The Best Results? Medication Or Diet And Exercise ?
If taking medication do you have to keep increasing or changing the medication to be in control of your blood sugar?
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Hello Henry @A DiabetesTeam Member and @A DiabetesTeam Member
Can you please add anything to the question?
Thank you
Lorna ❤️
@A DiabetesTeam Member You have a few questions there so I will try to address them
First which is better?
Diet/Exercise/Weight Management OR Meds
The answer is "whichever works to keep you in a controlled range" - diabetes is all about "control" (live long and prosper) or "uncontrolled" = die of complications which are slow and painful
Which is the "Healthier" way?
Meds do not belong our bodies and almost of all of them can be toxic or deadly so doing it without meds is healthier
Does achieving remission without meds slow progression of the disease?
NO - there is no evidence of that
But you said "progression" and not "complications"
Progression will be based on hundreds of factors, some that have nothing to do with Diabetes - if you develop RA that will result in a progression of your Type 2, or you pancreas may go on permanent strike and that has zero to do with being in remission without meds - some progress fast, some slow, some apparently not at all
Complications are a different story
If you achieve remission without meds which by definition (paraphrased): maintain an A1C of under 6.5% without medication for a period of at least 90 days, during the time you are in remission you have "non-diabetic blood sugar range averages" so without "diabetic blood sugar levels" you can't develop "diabetic complications caused by elevated blood sugar"
As long as you stay in remission, without meds, you are as close to eliminating the possibly of diabetic complications later on as you can possibly achieve by any method with no potential long term side effects from medication
But achieving that doesn't mean the disease won't/can't progress - my Father had perfect control for about 12 years and then the "wheels fell off the wagon" almost overnight - he went from managing with diet alone to needing insulin in the span of a couple of months
Diet and exercise are considered the first-line therapy for delaying the progression of type 2 diabetes and can have significant results, especially in early stages. They improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar, and promote weight loss. However, type 2 diabetes is progressive, and many people eventually need Show Full Answer
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Thank you dear Henry ❤️
Good morning warriors.
My plan is to control my diabetes journey until I cannot maintain nondiabetic numbers. Baby steps.
The longer I can remain in clinical remission, the better as I age and live an adventure filled life. Baby steps.
Then I plan to get help from insulins. Baby steps.
Although GLP-1 agonists have their appeal. Baby steps.
I guess we will see.
And Never give up, Never surrender, Never ever.
You got this.
Have a wonderful day.
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Blood Levels