I Will Be Going To The Fair In A Week. Fair Food Is My Cryptonite. What Fun Fair Food Can I Eat Without Being Too Bad.
We always pack our own snacks. We bring our own water. A cheesesteak, throw away the roll works. Salad works. Piece of fruit can work.
Ty for all of that good information. Alot of good ideas, I will let you know how it turns out.
Maybe @A DiabetesTeam Member try and stay away from the deep fried and search for items that have lots of vegies and protein in it. Hard to do orrr loll you can pack your own lunch and bring it with you actually I have done that before.😊
Fair food can be tempting, but there are ways to enjoy it without spiking your blood sugar. Look for options like grilled meats (chicken or turkey skewers), roasted nuts (unsweetened), or fresh fruit cups. Avoid fried and sugary treats like funnel cakes or cotton candy. If you indulge, share a small portion with someone and Show Full Answer
Your welcome my friend @A DiabetesTeam Member 🤗
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