Anyone Else Experience Diabetic Night Sweats?
I awoke this morning sheets soaked, clothes sticking to me, and hair soaked. Checked my BS was in the normal range.
I've had sweats but have never really associated to diebetes. Interesting. Something to watch and monitor.
I get low blood sugar at night often enough that I'm not surprised when I wake up just "drenched" and the sheets are totally soaked right through in an outline of wherever and however I was laying
Used to it now and when it happens I just move over to the dry side of the bed and leave the covers off the big wet spot 😁
Diabetic night sweats can occur due to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) during the night, even if your blood sugar is normal when you wake up. They can also be linked to other factors like medications, stress, or hormonal changes. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) can help track overnight blood sugar levels. If this Show Full Answer
When I have the inevitable lavatory call around 3-4 am I eat a couple grapes or a cracker. Keeps the low from reaching that point of breaking a sweat.
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Yes Nan, anything is possible
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