How Do Pre Diabetics And T2 Diabetics Handle Withdrawal Of Carbs? For Those Struggling, Is It Unwise For Them To Go Cold Turkey?
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Thank you very much Henry. I really appreciate your response.
I was trying to get members attention to this, in case some were unaware.
I repeat your mantra of “baby steps” in every post that I send, everyday,:to new members. ❤️🤗
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Here is a link for US med. They do except Medicare as long as you doctor provides a prescription. Also, if you decide to pay out of pocket. Reli-On from Walmart is accurate. The meters are $20 and the test straps are around $20 for a hundred. Good luck.
Hi @A DiabetesTeam Member,
1) Most diabetics can handle 100-130 net carbs daily.
2) Some only 50-60 net carbs daily.
3) Some only 20-30 net carbs daily.
4) Then there is me at 2-3 net carbs per meal.
I suspect you are either 1 or 2.
You need to find your carb tolerance. Your carb tolerance is the number of carbs you can eat per meal and maintain 2 hour nondiabetic numbers.
The nondiabetic range is 4.0(72 USA) to 7.8(140 USA).
So at 2 hours after your 1st bite your numbers should be below 7.8 (140 USA).
If it is at 7.8(140 USA) you have found your carb tolerance.
If it is below, you can handle a few more carbs.
If it is above, you need to adjust.
Will respond later with more information.
@A DiabetesTeam Member
Here is a link for my fitness pal. Free download, free to use. It will help you keep track of those carbs and so much more. 130 grams of net carbs is the recommendation, but some people can't handle as many carbs as others. You will need to find your balance.
Lorna, I really don't go through a physical withdrawal but at times I have cravings. In my mind I don't consider carbs an addiction but I don't know the science.
Is There A Specific Diet That Tells You What To Eat?
How Many Carbs Can A Pre Diabetic Eat In A Day? What Is A Net Carb?
How Do Some Of You Stay So Low On Carbs? I Mean Those Of You Under 50 Or 30 Carbs.