Can Your Emotions Affect Affect Your Diabetes?
Two diabetes meds, and I’m type two diabetic
Any stress can affect our numbers.
Guys My Feet Are Burning And Can't Sleep At Night. What Can Help Me?
What Is The Right Number For Diabetes
Do You Hate Being Called "Diabetic"?
Every 5 years the leading experts in the treatment of Type 2 get together at this big conference and make changes, based on new information, to the "consensus guidelines" that are used by the EU, UK and most of the Commonwealth and the United States, that become the national medical guidelines
So whether I post up something from the ADA's US Guidelines or from Diabetes Australia (or Canada or the UK), the only difference in the paragraph will be some spelling changes
Anyhow, in their latest… read more
It is what I have . Not who I am. I have hypertension but no one refers to me as a hypertensive ! Or because I take thyroid medicine I am not referred to as a Thyroidic!
How Many Members Do Not Have Constant Glucose Monitor? Show Of Hands Pleasehands Please
My doctor is appealing the denial from my insurance, I would love to have one. I feel it keeps your diabetes in control better before you eat.🥰
When You Have Diabetes, Do You Do Your Hands Shake A Lot?
I’m a type two diabetic and I took 10 units of insulin each night
If it is not low blood sugar causing your hands to shake get into your doctor to get checked out. It could be something not related to diabetes.
Dietary Supplements
been reading that tumeric helps lower blood sugar.anyone else know of this?
For a long time I lived on stir-fry and tumeris was a standard. I can see that as a good direction to move my diet
My Blood Sugar Readings
Is it up to my GP or a diabetic dietitian to to help me manage my diabetes?
It's entirely up to you after being prescribed meds. If it grows on a tree or out of the ground eat it.. Take your meds same time every day... Don't give in to temptation you got this, we're all here… read more
A1c 11.8 Farxica Gave Me Uti On Basalgar Now Told To Also Take Humilin 3x And Ozempic. Too Much?
Type 2 diabetes farcical gave me uti leading to sepsis in icu 1 week
Thanks for the advice. I remember testing urine that way when I worked. I am a huge plain water drinker so I will definitely put that into practice thanks for being so supportive
Am I The Only One That Is Sick And Tired Of Medical Professionals And Pundits Saying That Diabetes Is Progressive?
Apart from anything else it’s too vague and woolly a statement to have any meaning.
I got Cervical Myelopathy in 2002 and was told by the neurologist that I’d “be in a wheelchair in two years”. Now if I wasn’t so resilient I might have given up at that moment and resigned myself to my fate. Instead I lost 3 stone (42lbs) to bring me back to the normal weight category. I also walk a lot and go to the gym where the back extension machine keeps my spine in good shape.
It’s not that I’m saying… read more
@A DiabetesTeam Member Some/many/most medical professionals are on a power trip. The whole concept of consultation is foreign to them.
There used to be an excellent TV series in the UK called Trust… read more