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What Tom Hanks Has To Say About His Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Written by Torrey Kim
Updated on November 6, 2024

When actor Tom Hanks revealed in 2013 that he had type 2 diabetes, a wave of appreciation washed over the diabetes community.

“Every little bit that others, such as Tom Hanks, do helps all of us,” one DiabetesTeam member shared. Another said, “I admire actors like Tom Hanks who are not afraid to share their story of living with diabetes.”

Read on to discover what the longtime actor has said about living with diabetes.

Tom Hanks’ Diabetes Diagnosis

Tom Hanks’ type 2 diabetes diagnosis didn’t come as a surprise for the actor. In 2013, he told interviewer David Letterman that he’d been watching his blood sugar levels climb for years.

“I went to the doctor, and they said, ‘You know those high blood sugar numbers you’ve been dealing with since you were 36? Well, you’ve graduated. You’ve got type 2 diabetes, young man,’” he told Letterman.

Did ‘Cast Away’ Give Tom Hanks Diabetes?

Hanks famously gained 30 pounds to play the coach in “A League of Their Own,” and then lost 55 pounds to play a man stranded on a deserted island in “Cast Away.” These fluctuations led some people to wonder whether those changes contributed to his diabetes diagnosis, but Hanks can’t say for sure.

“The gaining and losing of weight may have had something to do with developing diabetes because you eat so much bad food and don’t exercise when you’re heavy,” he noted.

There’s typically no single reason why diabetes develops. Instead, a combination of risk factors make someone more likely to develop the condition.

Hanks attributes his diabetes to genetics, diet, and exercise. “I think I was genetically inclined to get it, and I think it goes back to a lifestyle I’ve been leading since I was probably seven, as opposed to 36,” he said. “It just so happens that my body type and my lifestyle gives me a preclusion for high blood sugars.”

Tom Hanks’ Diabetes Diet

Hanks has shared some challenges of sticking to his diet since his diabetes diagnosis. Rather than beating himself up for occasionally veering off his eating plan, he just gets back on track.

“I watch what I eat to the point of boredom,” he said. “Every now and again I cheat to the point of self-loathing. That’s it. So after that, I have some coffee, read the paper, get up, get the workout out of the way, take a shower.”

Why It Helps When a Celebrity Discusses Diabetes

Two things happen when a celebrity opens up about their health struggles.

First, they help destigmatize diabetes. The condition becomes more visible and relatable. Suddenly, friends and family members may change their attitudes toward diabetes and people with it.

Second, they empower others with diabetes. When they show the world what it means to live with diabetes, they offer a road map and inspire confidence in how others might do the same.

“I thank him for the exposure it gives diabetics, but all in all, he’s just a human being like the rest of us living with diabetes,” one DiabetesTeam member wrote about Hanks’ diagnosis.

Whether famous or not, anyone who publicly acknowledges their disease performs a brave act in the face of the stigma surrounding chronic illness.

Talk With Others Who Understand

On DiabetesTeam, the online social network for people with diabetes and their loved ones, more than 159,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with diabetes.

Is there a notable person who has inspired you? How do you feel about celebrities discussing diabetes? Share in the comments below or post on your Activities page.

Torrey Kim is a freelance writer with MyHealthTeam. Learn more about her here.

A DiabetesTeam Member

I think everyone have their own ways to take care of themselves. Not because a celebrity have diabetes is going to inspire me to do anything different than what I am doing now. We are all human… read more

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