Why Do So Many Things I See On Facebook Saw That One Of The Signs Of Diabetics Is Weight Loss !!! If Only.
The problem with ads on Facebook book most are too good to be true and a lot of them lie. Diabetes has a lot of symptoms. I had a diabetic friend that would put herself into diabetic ketoacidosis and she said that would help her lose weight. It really messed her up and then being admitted for the acidosis problem didn't help her problems go away. I have been dieting for 30, plus days now. I have good days and bad. On my good days, my sugar is in a really good range. So far I have been able to take myself off one insulin and cut down my nightly insulin to almost half. I'll find out how much weight I have lost next week at my appointment. I had labwork done today so I'll find out about that too. Change your eating habits, Watch your calories and carbs, and add a little more protein. Don't berate yourself when you have a bad day. Laugh at yourself and pat yourself on the back on a good day. It is a change of lifestyle, attitude, and eating better,
uncontroled weight loss is a common sign of T1 (not always) its not so much associated with T2 in general as it is with T1 or T1.5
Before I was diagnosed I lost 80 pounds. With uncontrolled diabetes you do not burn the calories you eat, you do not store the calories you eat, your blood glucose level gets so high the calories leave your body through urination. I was always tired, always hungry, dehydrated, and very irritable I was starving in a land of plenty. It was misery. but I was thin.
If only, ! Being diagnosed as a Diabetic did not have a weight loss effect on me.
Just shows how different every else's body's response is.
Be careful and Blessed abundantly.
I have lost down to 145 and I'm 5'3. The doctor said if I lost weight did my diabetes would go down. But it was the cause of the diabetes that I lost weight. Is the struggle but I struggle with it everyday
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